
Raspberry Pi Model 3 vs 4

Raspberry Pi Model 4 on the left, Model 3 on the right.


Dragonball edible mascot in Japan

Dragonball ๐Ÿ‰ edible mascot, ้ฃŸในใƒžใ‚น ("TEBERARERU MASCOT"), sold in Famimart convenient store today(2020-08-06).


AR glasses I actually wore

I put pics of myself wearing AR glasses or smartglasses over the years(skipping 7 pics I shouldn't show in public due to work). Feel free to comment or like. If you are in the AR space, get in touch. Let's do something wonderful. https://photos.app.goo.gl/QyV54o7woxpgJcUM8 


Exoskeleton "Muscle Suit"

On sale for 149,600 yen at Bic Camera on 2020/01/31